Returning Members
If your membership has lapsed at any point in the past, and you're thinking about coming back to the Association and the Metamorphic Technique® then please do get in touch. The return process is straightforward and outlined in the next section, and you can email the office if you would like further information or guidance.
Our Return Process
Associate members: If you are a returning Associate member you can rejoin as an Associate member straight away.
Apprentice Practitioner members: If you are a returning Apprentice Practitioner Member you can rejoin as an Apprentice Practitioner straight away.
Practitioner members: If you left us less than 2 years ago then you can rejoin immediately as a Practitioner; if you wish to hold 'professional' status (to be able to charge money for your session time) then all you need to do is complete the continued education points required by all our professional Practitioners.
If you left us more than 2 years ago but have been to two of our Full Workshops in the past, then you will only need to attend one Full Workshop now (as an update) to gain professional status immediately. But rather than waiting until there is workshop space available, you could reconnect with us immediately as an Apprentice Practitioner and then simply upgrade to professional Practitioner when you are ready and able to do so; any fees will be adjusted so you don't pay twice.
Teaching members: You will need to email us as a first step to your return.
Continued Education Programme: We promote and maintain a professional standard for our members working with the general public and our Continued Education Programme contributes to this standard. The format allows you to join different types of events in areas of interest to you and is very reasonably priced as well as flexible. The Practitioner renewal points equate to approx. 8 hours of your time over your 12 month membership period and participation in the events programme is a requirement for those working professionally with the public.
Policies & Procedures: Please review our updated policy documents which are still a foundation of membership.
Get back in touch
Email the office if you would like more information or guidance on returning.